Natural Talent is a Sham: You Can Do Anything

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The idea of natural talent is bullshit.

People love to romanticize that others were born with a certain skill they were instantly able to do.

This rational draws itself to the belief that if one is not already good at something they want to do, it’s acceptable for them to not pursue it. They simply weren’t born with that natural talent.

The concept of ‘natural talent’ is destructive because it’s so often used as an excuse for not doing.


I believe that, in reality, we’re all fundamentally capable of most things. What we get good at is where interest, internal confidence and external support overlap.

‘Natural talent’ is, therefore, a child’s innate interest in a given subject and a lack of fear to give it a try. This is recognized by others and externally supported. As a result, confidence grows and real talent forms.

But the talent wasn’t innate, the interest was.


In ‘What to Say When you Talk to Yourself’, Dr. Helmstetter explains the fundamental sequence of mental processing that leads to the actions we take:

From the day we were born, those in our environment have been communicating their beliefs about how the World works and where we fit into it. As we began to understand this verbally (and probably before that), we began to repeat those ideas back to ourselves.

This is our ‘programming’ – what we have told ourselves over and over about our World and our place in it.

Our programming creates our beliefs about what’s possible and what we are capable of.

These beliefs then affect the attitude we have about general issues in life.

Our attitudes are responsible for what we feel in a specific situation and those feelings determine our physical behavior, the actions we take.

The full sequence is Programming -> Beliefs -> Attitudes -> Feelings -> Actions (this concept is taken further in the book, which I highly recommend).


When I apply this process to my own actions and abilities, it seems to hold up.

When I started woodworking at a very young age, I was not talented at all! I was merely interested, imaginative and liked hammering pieces of wood randomly together.

I very specifically recall being repeatedly told about and encouraged for my talent in building, even before I truly identified with it. As a result, I believed it to be true and exerted extreme confidence in creative endeavors.

I didn’t hesitate to start new, bold projects and over time became fairly skilled.


The take away here is that lack of natural talent is not an excuse to keep yourself from a desired skill. Anything is learn-able if the want is there.

The want is undeniable – either you want to draw or write or learn astrophysics or you don’t.

You then either believe or doubt whether you can. If  you believe you can, you pursue it with confidence, move beyond the pain period and into the realm of competence and, if you continue, even mastery.

If you doubt whether you can, you walk around talking about other people’s talent while totally neglecting your own.

It’s a choice and it’s up to you.

Don’t just read, take action!

  • Make a list of things you’d like to do and why you want to do them.
  • For an item you feel strongly about, isolate the reasons why you haven’t started from every angle. How have your beliefs been preventing you from progress?
  • Find an in. Pick a barrier, no matter how small, and start making progress on it.
  • Here’s a personal example – it helped decide to start making even a small amount of progress by stretching each morning
  • Leave a Comment

  • Peter Murphy

    Nick, brilliant post. I was skeptical to read this because I did believe in being born with a certain skill set, and setting out in life with that, however, the way you have mapped out this process, i can side with you on this matter.

  • Nicky Hajal


    Thanks for reading and I appreciate the open-mindedness!

    At the end of the day, I see validity in both perspectives. I try to focus, then, on whichever one makes it easiest to accomplish what I want to.

    Hope all is well with you!


  • gella

    i like it

  • Anonymous

    Have you read Talent Is Overrated by Geoff Colvin?

    The basic premise that I got out of the book (remember, this is seen through my eyes, so you may get a completely different impression) is that there’s no such thing as “natural talent” and everybody who is anybody at anything got there through “deliberate practice”.

    He goes on to describe “deliberate practice” as a mentally draining, exhausting task that even pros can’t keep up for hours on end, because it’s not about the fun part, it’s about constant improvement and self-awareness (a couple concepts I think you guys are familiar with, from reading a couple other of your posts).

    It’s actually a really good book, and hope and inspiration for those who of us who look at others who are, say, banging out a sweet melody on the piano while drawing tears with their voice or something, and wonder “How do they do that?”

  • Anonymous

    Have you read Talent Is Overrated by Geoff Colvin?

    The basic premise that I got out of the book (remember, this is seen through my eyes, so you may get a completely different impression) is that there’s no such thing as “natural talent” and everybody who is anybody at anything got there through “deliberate practice”.

    He goes on to describe “deliberate practice” as a mentally draining, exhausting task that even pros can’t keep up for hours on end, because it’s not about the fun part, it’s about constant improvement and self-awareness (a couple concepts I think you guys are familiar with, from reading a couple other of your posts).

    It’s actually a really good book, and hope and inspiration for those who of us who look at others who are, say, banging out a sweet melody on the piano while drawing tears with their voice or something, and wonder “How do they do that?”

  • Danne

    This is very true! Wish everybody knew this!!! kind of sad…. I know this is true cause I been really bad at a lot of things…. one example would be that I totaly sucked at math in school in my younger age, I even ended up in a special group for students with math difficulties(I was scoring 2/30 points on exams)!!! Then I worked my as off to improve and tada… couple of years later I ended up in a space engeenering program. Iam not kidding. Another thing I totaly sucked at was dancing…. some people really looked talented on those dancing floors and you start to wonder how on earth you ever going to reach their level…. so I danced and failed a lot of competions…. but with some more hard work I started to become a lot better but only after really study how the pros move and what makes things appealing to watch… suddenly people on the local dancing club started to say I was talented lol…. Talent = A LOT of fucking practice!!!!! But it dosent matter how much you practise!!!!!! IT´S HOW you practice!!! You can do something for years but if you do not practise in the right way you will never grow! Find the way and you will win, dosent matter if its in math or dancing, animation, rally driving(this one needs some money aswell :P)

    Sorry for my awful english… but just never ever think you can´t reach the highest level of what ever you do!
    Good luck! 😀

  • Guest

    Broken link: Here’s a personal example

  • Wero-torres

    what book is it that i should read?

  • David

    Finally! Someone who thinks the same way I do! I was born with no talent, in anything, and I did not let that stop me. I couldn’t agree more. 🙂