Nice Translator
Nice Translator is a new breed of online translator that allows users from around the
world to translate into multiple languages in real-time, as they type
NT was our first major project launch and we are incredibly proud of the users it has helped
and the response it has garnered.
The site has undergone several updates since its launch in December 2008, including
one total rebuild from the ground up. Small upgrades are likely, but no major updates are planned.

Nice Translator for Firefox
We couldn’t help but wonder how we could make translating
on the web even easier. What if you didn’t need to go to a website to harness the power of Nice Transator?
After countless long nights, the Nice Translator Firefox Extension came to life. From any page
inside Firefox, NT is at your disposal. Come across some text you want translated?
Select it, right-click on it and select ‘Translate Nicely!’. NT for Firefox will popup in an
instant with your tranlsation.
We are actively developing this project. Thanks to the amazing Firefox Community for their help
along the way!

Nice Translator Web Widget
We love blogs at Tumble Design and are always looking for ways to give back to them.
With the enormous amount of international traffic on the Web, we realzed we had an
opportunity to do so with Nice Translator.
We created the Nice Translator Web Widget: A fully-featured version of NT in miniature scale
that can be added to any website with a single line of javascript. Best of all, the NT Web Widget is also available as
a WordPress Plugin and iGoogle Gadget.