How to Stop Wishing You Read More Books and Read More Books

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My dad is a warm-hearted Lebanese man with the calm temperament you’d expect from someone raised along the Mediterranean Sea. Compared to most other parents he was pretty lax, rarely pestering me as I grew up.

Which is why what he did harp on stood out. Etched into my brain is him saying, “Nicky, you don’t read enough!”, usually as he rustled my hair. It didn’t make sense to me, though.

“Why would I want to read?”


What none of us realized at the time was that I was reading. Where my dad grew up exploring history books, I spent my time scouring the Internet for articles and blogs on web development. Books were what I had to do for school. I would rarely think to open one up for fun and if I did it seemed too daunting to actually do.

As I grew older, the idea of certain books began to intrigue me. Recently during an interview on, host Andrew Warner mentioned that walking into a library makes him feel like he has a world of super powers at his fingertips. This is how I felt – but I just didn’t have the experience to get me from wanting to read to having read. It seemed so damn hard.

Fast-forward a few years later. I’ve left college a year early and feel committed to educating myself on subjects that matter to me. Slowly, I’ve been able to incorporate reading books into my daily life.

These days I read around 50 pages a day, casually. It’s relaxing and empowering.

Best of all, I think I can help someone get from where I was to where I am.


You don’t have to read. I know, it’s hard to believe after all those years of reading assignments, but what you do with your time is actually totally up to you, reading included.

See that huge stack of books on your shelf? The ones you’ve really been meaning to get to. You don’t have to read them.

That realization alone made me much more willing to actually open up a book. Allow yourself to read, don’t force yourself to read.

Pick a super power. It’s too easy to get caught up in the books everyone says I should be reading. The Classics. I’m sure there’s some merit to them, but I have my own interests and I bet you do too.

Figure out what you really want to know more about or learn how to do. Find the best book you can on it and remind yourself that it’s in there.

Divide and Conquer. Even today, when I get a new book and flip through the pages, I start feeling pretty intimidated by all those words. How long it could possibly take to go through all of them seems so uncertain.

What I’ve learned is to take a deep breath and think things through.

Go grab one of those books from your shelf and divide it into 50 page chunks. You’ll probably notice there are less of them than you’d expect. At about one chunk per day I get through most books in a week.

Realizing a book wasn’t an open-ended commitment and instead a quantifiable amount of paced reading totally changed the game for me.

Keep your friends close and your books closer. With so much entertainment just a click away, it’s hard to remember to take some time out with a book. For me, solving this problem meant having a small cubby on my desk just for the one or two books I’m currently reading.

If I’m stuck on a design problem, taking a break to read 15 pages is always within an arms reach.

Start more than you finish. Books really can be great as my dad made them out to be – but not all of them are.

Opening a book is not signing a contract. If you stop feeling it midway through, don’t worry about putting it back on the shelf. It will always be waiting for you if you want it again.

There are too many great books to spend time reading ones you aren’t totally in love with.


If you’re coming from the same place I was, a mountain of mental baggage is keeping you from tapping the incredible ideas and infinite knowledge stashed away in books.  The strategies above are about gradually reducing that mountain to an anthill. They’re about reprogramming what reading means to you.

Relax, trust your abilities and enjoy your new super powers.

  • Leave a Comment

  • Gary Dale Cearley

    The key is to keep on reading. I have the problem that I will have three to five books I am reading at once. Get some focus and read!

  • Gary Dale Cearley

    The key is to keep on reading. I have the problem that I will have three to five books I am reading at once. Get some focus and read!

  • Kris Madden

    I had a similar conversation with my Dad in my teen years and he forced me to read books on school breaks and write mini-book reports for them. He thought I should be able to read 40 pages a day without a problem, because he could read a page in a minute or less. To him the assignment would only take me 40 min. to an hour max. every day. Was that tasking too much?

    But what he didn’t realize, and why I couldn’t keep up with the reading, was that I read three times slower than he did, which meant that he wasn’t asking for an hour out of my day, but three hours. The whole process was frustrated me to no end due to my poor reading skills. I wanted to read, and I had a well developed vocabulary, but when it came to reading silently, I didn’t have the skills.

    When I became a Junior in high school, I went with this girl for a little while and towards the end of our relationship, I realized that all we ever talked about was gossip and hearsay and superficial pop culture tidbits, but there was never any form of an intellectual conversation between us. I wanted to talk about things that were bigger than our lives, and do things about them, whatever they might be. I wanted to be part of a larger conversation, something I knew I could get from books, but there was still that barrier for me to get over.

    After we broke up, I decided I was going to force myself to read. No matter, how hard or difficult it would be, everyday I would read a little bit. It got to the point where I always carried a paperback in my back pocket so that I could read whenever I had a spare moment. And reading became easier, the more I read.

    But what really made me a lifelong reader, was learning techniques to increase my reading speed and making reading a more active activity for me. It’s because of those exercises that now, not only can I read the books I want to, but I can also read a lot more of them in the same amount of time. I put together my research and exercises into a book, you can read and download for free, for those that are interested.

    Otherwise, awesome article Nicky! Keep up the good stuff!

  • Kris Madden

    I had a similar conversation with my Dad in my teen years and he forced me to read books on school breaks and write mini-book reports for them. He thought I should be able to read 40 pages a day without a problem, because he could read a page in a minute or less. To him the assignment would only take me 40 min. to an hour max. every day. Was that tasking too much?

    But what he didn’t realize, and why I couldn’t keep up with the reading, was that I read three times slower than he did, which meant that he wasn’t asking for an hour out of my day, but three hours. The whole process was frustrated me to no end due to my poor reading skills. I wanted to read, and I had a well developed vocabulary, but when it came to reading silently, I didn’t have the skills.

    When I became a Junior in high school, I went with this girl for a little while and towards the end of our relationship, I realized that all we ever talked about was gossip and hearsay and superficial pop culture tidbits, but there was never any form of an intellectual conversation between us. I wanted to talk about things that were bigger than our lives, and do things about them, whatever they might be. I wanted to be part of a larger conversation, something I knew I could get from books, but there was still that barrier for me to get over.

    After we broke up, I decided I was going to force myself to read. No matter, how hard or difficult it would be, everyday I would read a little bit. It got to the point where I always carried a paperback in my back pocket so that I could read whenever I had a spare moment. And reading became easier, the more I read.

    But what really made me a lifelong reader, was learning techniques to increase my reading speed and making reading a more active activity for me. It’s because of those exercises that now, not only can I read the books I want to, but I can also read a lot more of them in the same amount of time. I put together my research and exercises into a book, you can read and download for free, for those that are interested.

    Otherwise, awesome article Nicky! Keep up the good stuff!

  • Nicky


    Agreed that the more you read the easier it gets. Sometimes, though, just getting started can feel almost impossible!

    I have encountered the same 3-5 books at a time issue. It’s easy to feel like I’m doing something wrong but remind myself there are no rules to reading!

    Usually if I’ve started more than 2 books, it means I really didn’t vibe with at least one of them. Here is when I think it’s best to cut losses with that book for now and leave yourself feeling good about the books you are moving forward with.

    Reading is much more enjoyable when I consciously eliminate the negativity (like: “I really should be reading this book”).


    Thanks for sharing your great story! To me, the key difference between the periods of not being a reader and being one are “forced me” and “I wanted”.

    When I was in school, reading even 20 pages was torture and took ages. Because it was totally forced.

    These days, I read about 50 pages a day but have no idea for sure because I don’t force it at all. Some days I don’t read at all, and that’s fine. Since I genuinely want it, it just finds its own place amongst the other things I want to accomplish in a day.

    As far as your book, I think I found it on amazon:

    Awesome that you put it together! I will definitely pick it up when I get a chance. I find reading techniques interesting but can’t say they’ve ever changed my life. How do your exercises compare to the EyeQ system?

    I also want to learn photoreading at some point. I think it really is possible but takes a significant commitment to pick up.

    Thanks to both of you for getting in touch!

  • Nicky


    Agreed that the more you read the easier it gets. Sometimes, though, just getting started can feel almost impossible!

    I have encountered the same 3-5 books at a time issue. It’s easy to feel like I’m doing something wrong but remind myself there are no rules to reading!

    Usually if I’ve started more than 2 books, it means I really didn’t vibe with at least one of them. Here is when I think it’s best to cut losses with that book for now and leave yourself feeling good about the books you are moving forward with.

    Reading is much more enjoyable when I consciously eliminate the negativity (like: “I really should be reading this book”).


    Thanks for sharing your great story! To me, the key difference between the periods of not being a reader and being one are “forced me” and “I wanted”.

    When I was in school, reading even 20 pages was torture and took ages. Because it was totally forced.

    These days, I read about 50 pages a day but have no idea for sure because I don’t force it at all. Some days I don’t read at all, and that’s fine. Since I genuinely want it, it just finds its own place amongst the other things I want to accomplish in a day.

    As far as your book, I think I found it on amazon:

    Awesome that you put it together! I will definitely pick it up when I get a chance. I find reading techniques interesting but can’t say they’ve ever changed my life. How do your exercises compare to the EyeQ system?

    I also want to learn photoreading at some point. I think it really is possible but takes a significant commitment to pick up.

    Thanks to both of you for getting in touch!

  • Kris Madden

    Hi Nicky,

    Yes, that is my book, and thanks for posting a link to it.

    Answer to your question:

    “How do your exercises compare to the EyeQ system?”
    From my experience and research with the EyeQ system, it places an emphasis on eye movement and lessening a reader’s fixations in order to increase speed.

    My exercises work on breaking the habit of voicing while reading by disrupting the reader’s tendencies to subvocalize. When the reader breaks down these habits, they can then begin to develop positive reading habits to accelerate their reading rate even further. For more info, you can read the intro in my book, it goes over all six methods for building positive reading habits.

    For some reason Amazon only lets you preview the introduction, but if you go to Google Books, Scribd, or my website, you can read and download the whole thing for free.

    And just to comment on the topic of “Photoreading”, Danielle McNamara’s research on the topic for the NASA Ames Research Center, pretty much completely debunks the entire system of reading. Here’s a link to the research:

    Thanks again for the reply.

    -Kris Madden

  • Kris Madden

    Hi Nicky,

    Yes, that is my book, and thanks for posting a link to it.

    Answer to your question:

    “How do your exercises compare to the EyeQ system?”
    From my experience and research with the EyeQ system, it places an emphasis on eye movement and lessening a reader’s fixations in order to increase speed.

    My exercises work on breaking the habit of voicing while reading by disrupting the reader’s tendencies to subvocalize. When the reader breaks down these habits, they can then begin to develop positive reading habits to accelerate their reading rate even further. For more info, you can read the intro in my book, it goes over all six methods for building positive reading habits.

    For some reason Amazon only lets you preview the introduction, but if you go to Google Books, Scribd, or my website, you can read and download the whole thing for free.

    And just to comment on the topic of “Photoreading”, Danielle McNamara’s research on the topic for the NASA Ames Research Center, pretty much completely debunks the entire system of reading. Here’s a link to the research:

    Thanks again for the reply.

    -Kris Madden

  • Joe Oviedo

    Hi! Guys stumbling on to your site from a tweet from Chris Guillebeau. Love the insights on reading, will really help me, there is so much out there to read, I can live with 50 a day page chuncks. Wonderful idea. Thanks!

  • Joe Oviedo

    Hi! Guys stumbling on to your site from a tweet from Chris Guillebeau. Love the insights on reading, will really help me, there is so much out there to read, I can live with 50 a day page chuncks. Wonderful idea. Thanks!

  • Ross

    It’s definitely one of those habit things. Stop doing it and just do it. Once you just give up and do it, it becomes so much easier.

  • Ross

    It’s definitely one of those habit things. Stop doing it and just do it. Once you just give up and do it, it becomes so much easier.

  • Nicky


    I started watching the videos on your site and they are excellent! Thanks so much for putting them together and releasing your book for free.

    That was an interesting and fairly rigorous article on Photoreading, thanks for passing it along. Still not fully decided personally but the more information the better!


    So glad you found the tips helpful! Please stop by to let us know how it progresses and if you run into any issues.


    I agree completely. Once you get over the initial hump, it just snowballs and gets easier and easier. You become a reader, it becomes a part of you.

    Thanks all for your thoughts!


  • Nicky


    I started watching the videos on your site and they are excellent! Thanks so much for putting them together and releasing your book for free.

    That was an interesting and fairly rigorous article on Photoreading, thanks for passing it along. Still not fully decided personally but the more information the better!


    So glad you found the tips helpful! Please stop by to let us know how it progresses and if you run into any issues.


    I agree completely. Once you get over the initial hump, it just snowballs and gets easier and easier. You become a reader, it becomes a part of you.

    Thanks all for your thoughts!


  • Kris Madden

    Thanks Nicky. Glad you liked my website.

  • Kris Madden

    Thanks Nicky. Glad you liked my website.

  • strawberry266

    um how do you get to read books in this site if you dont im gonna get angery alot cause i being finding books from the internet.

  • James daKING

    thanks for the motivation