What I Learned When I Fell in Love with Piano Scales

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Growing up, just about everything I pursued on my own seemed incredibly fun and quickly came to make sense (programming, electronics, woodworking) while everything people tried to teach me seemed confusing and endlessly painful (math, guitar, history). Over many years, I grew frustrated with teachers, their methods and their curriculums.

When I began learning piano about a year ago, it was no surprise that I didn’t think twice about completely skipping over the topic of scales.

Interest is the lifeblood of learning and I was simply not interested in them.

Thinking of someone ‘practicing scales’ brought images of a person mindlessly going up and down a series of notes over and over again – not expressing themselves, just droning on. They turn ‘practicing’ into a negative word, something I “really should do. (but dont)”.


My interest was (and is) in playing songs I know, putting together expressive tunes and impressing friends (let’s be honest here). So I started learning piano by just diving into song tutorials on YouTube.

I am so glad I did. It gave me the chance to develop my interest further until it naturally expanded into the technicalities of music. To the point where I, against all odds, became interested in scales.

It went something like this: “Now that I can play a few songs, I bet it would be interesting to have a better understanding of which keys sound good together and why. Hm, could scales be part of that?”

Sure enough…


What I Love About Scales


1) Scales are sets of notes that sound good together. That is it.

2) Scales are ratios of notes, not random and endless commands. Musicians before us did all the leg work of figuring out which ratios of notes sound good together. Playing those notes sequentially is called a scale.

To start feeling the power of scales, you just need to get acquainted with one of those patterns, not spend countless hours memorizing music mumbo-jumbo.

From that one pattern, you can extrapolate many sets of notes that sound good together, which is where the real fun begins.

3) Scales help me be creative even though I’m no maestro. I used to think scales were just for the pros. But as a beginner, what I really needed was a basic framework for creating tunes that don’t sound like mud.

Scales are the shortcut to start messing with melodies that sound good in the right hand and bass lines in the left that complement them.

4) No matter how uncreative I feel, I can always practice scales. And, it turns out that “practicing scales” isn’t so lame. It’s a fun challenge and is slowly giving me a subconscious ability to find chords and notes that evoke feelings. Eventually, I’ll be able to use this to naturally express myself (like I’m doing now with these shapes, called writing).

(Music buffs: forgive me if I clobbered some music theory here. I really feel that these concepts are generally communicated in a way that is much too abstract and confusing.)


The Bigger Picture


1) Following trains of interest works. Are you afraid that if you don’t learn a new skill in the “proper” order you’ll be setting yourself up for failure? Get over this fear and jump onto the interest-train at the station nearest you.

The moment your interest comes to a halt, your ability to learn plummets and you inevitably quit – that’s what you should be afraid of.

2) When we learn and teach, we need to understand the Whys. As learners, it’s important to be aware of why we’re doing what we are and what we want from it. This applies to the skill as a whole but also its sub-techniques.

Understanding this allows us to constantly reinvigorate our interest as we progress and accomplish goals instead of getting frustrated and stagnating.

As teachers, it’s in our interest to communicate the Whys of a given technique in a way that resonates with the person learning, not the person teaching.

This means you need to start by understanding the Whys of the student and work on your feet from there.

3) Rudiments are tools not obligations. Interest is the only obligation. It creates a genuine need in us that we demand be fulfilled. Then it becomes worth seeking rudimentary skills like scales.

Just as you learn to use a hammer, screwdriver and saw one at a time, as you need them, rudiments should be learned when useful and not necessarily all at once.

4) Rudiments are gifts. Fundamental skills are passed down by creators before us as offerings, not demands. We’re welcome to use them as we wish.

Instead of feeling like you should learn rudiments now, and grow to see them as adversaries, approach them as your needs naturally pull you in their direction. You’ll come to genuinely appreciate them and those responsible for them – gratitude feels much better than frustration.


The Most Important Lesson


The most important lesson to take from all of this is that awareness and open-mindedness, even after 20 years of frustration, pays off. My feelings about scales before coming to love them were justified but wouldn’t have served me any longer – it was important to be able to let them go.

There’s never a need to work on a skill you can’t find a Why for. But once you do find one, not a single thing, not even yourself, should keep you from it.

  • Leave a Comment

  • Paul C.

    Nicky, thanks for writing this up! You have inspired me to pick the piano up again as well!

    Can you email me some info on how you started?

  • Paul C.

    Nicky, thanks for writing this up! You have inspired me to pick the piano up again as well!

    Can you email me some info on how you started?

  • Carter

    Great article Nicky! Your lesson on learning really struck a chord in me — no pun intended. I did much the same thing when I learned guitar a few years ago, and now find myself going back and learning keys so I can play “lead” and not just rhythm.

    Keep up the good work!

  • Carter

    Great article Nicky! Your lesson on learning really struck a chord in me — no pun intended. I did much the same thing when I learned guitar a few years ago, and now find myself going back and learning keys so I can play “lead” and not just rhythm.

    Keep up the good work!

  • http://www.twitter.com/rebeccarapple Rebecca

    Hey Nicky,

    Yet again, a thought-provoking post! I couldn’t agree more about the importance of the “why” in education. And, I have to say that the pursuit of curiosity is the general theory by which I accomplish most of my learnings… but, I’ve come to recently see a major challenge of it (for me) — and I’m curious what you think about it.

    My curiosity tends to seek breadth, rather than depth… meaning that I pursue most subjects for the rush of learning something new and becoming proficient at it quite quickly, at which point, I pretty much abandon it in a chase for novelty and learning of another type. This means that I am highly proficient in many things, but an “expert” in, well, nothing.

    If I were to follow my fancy, I would engage many intellectual curiosities to a moderate level and then synthesize that information into overarching theories and ideas — which sounds all well and good, but is a pretty tough sell in our world today. The “Renaissance Man” is not exactly in high demand – experts are.

    How might you reconcile this challenge, if your curiosity profile matched mine?


  • http://www.twitter.com/rebeccarapple Rebecca

    Hey Nicky,

    Yet again, a thought-provoking post! I couldn’t agree more about the importance of the “why” in education. And, I have to say that the pursuit of curiosity is the general theory by which I accomplish most of my learnings… but, I’ve come to recently see a major challenge of it (for me) — and I’m curious what you think about it.

    My curiosity tends to seek breadth, rather than depth… meaning that I pursue most subjects for the rush of learning something new and becoming proficient at it quite quickly, at which point, I pretty much abandon it in a chase for novelty and learning of another type. This means that I am highly proficient in many things, but an “expert” in, well, nothing.

    If I were to follow my fancy, I would engage many intellectual curiosities to a moderate level and then synthesize that information into overarching theories and ideas — which sounds all well and good, but is a pretty tough sell in our world today. The “Renaissance Man” is not exactly in high demand – experts are.

    How might you reconcile this challenge, if your curiosity profile matched mine?


  • http://tumbledesign.com Nicky Hajal

    Paul, that’s awesome!

    For the sake of anyone else reading here’s exactly how I picked up piano:

    A friend gave me his dad’s old 66 key keyboard. I messed around on it here and there every couple days until I decided it seemed cool enough to read more about.

    I read Piano in a Flash (http://www.amazon.com/Play-Piano-Flash-Favorite-Whether/dp/1401307663). It’s a quick read that focuses on the bare essentials needed to get playing songs that you want to play. I absolutely recommend it.

    Soon after that I started searching through YouTube for tutorials on songs I really wanted to learn to play. Like scales, I was not interested in learning to read sheet music if I didn’t have to.

    I love the music from the movie Amelie and wanted to learn ‘Comptine D’Un Autre Ete L’Apres Midi’ (http://tiny.cc/comptine). There were a bunch of tutorials and one that was just incredible (http://tiny.cc/comptinetut). It took a few months, but I enjoyed the process as much as the thought of the end goal and eventually it all clicked.

    As I focused on that song, I dabbled in others and slowly learned more about chords, scales, etc. It all just built up over time.

    Recently I’ve been learning another song from Amelie that’s a bit too complicated for YouTube videos, so I’ve been learning to read music. Now that I need it, it’s not so bad!

    I’m, obviously, very far from being good at piano. But I am much better than I ever thought I would be and have proven (to myself) that it’s within my realm of capability and that getting better is as simple as sitting down and playing.


  • http://tumbledesign.com Nicky Hajal

    Paul, that’s awesome!

    For the sake of anyone else reading here’s exactly how I picked up piano:

    A friend gave me his dad’s old 66 key keyboard. I messed around on it here and there every couple days until I decided it seemed cool enough to read more about.

    I read Piano in a Flash (http://www.amazon.com/Play-Piano-Flash-Favorite-Whether/dp/1401307663). It’s a quick read that focuses on the bare essentials needed to get playing songs that you want to play. I absolutely recommend it.

    Soon after that I started searching through YouTube for tutorials on songs I really wanted to learn to play. Like scales, I was not interested in learning to read sheet music if I didn’t have to.

    I love the music from the movie Amelie and wanted to learn ‘Comptine D’Un Autre Ete L’Apres Midi’ (http://tiny.cc/comptine). There were a bunch of tutorials and one that was just incredible (http://tiny.cc/comptinetut). It took a few months, but I enjoyed the process as much as the thought of the end goal and eventually it all clicked.

    As I focused on that song, I dabbled in others and slowly learned more about chords, scales, etc. It all just built up over time.

    Recently I’ve been learning another song from Amelie that’s a bit too complicated for YouTube videos, so I’ve been learning to read music. Now that I need it, it’s not so bad!

    I’m, obviously, very far from being good at piano. But I am much better than I ever thought I would be and have proven (to myself) that it’s within my realm of capability and that getting better is as simple as sitting down and playing.


  • http://tumbledesign.com Nicky Hajal

    Haha! Yes, I think we’ve really keyed in on something!

    Next time you make it Stateside for Charter Day, Paul, you and I will have to have a jam session.

    Thanks for reading!


  • http://tumbledesign.com Nicky Hajal

    Haha! Yes, I think we’ve really keyed in on something!

    Next time you make it Stateside for Charter Day, Paul, you and I will have to have a jam session.

    Thanks for reading!


  • http://tumbledesign.com Nicky Hajal


    Awesome thoughts – you really have me thinking over here!

    Thinking it through, the first stumbling block I came to is: What does it mean to be an expert?

    I think what it means is “we pay you *to know*”.

    If I were an expert in anything, it would probably be programming or web design. But I don’t think I’d call myself one simply because I often don’t know – I’m just good at finding the answers.

    At the same time, I’m sure that many with less experience would call themselves experts because they have degrees that say they *know*.

    I guess what I’m really getting at is what part of being an expert is the part that gets you what you want? The credentials, the experience, the knowledge, the past successes?

    The credentials probably take longer to get than any of the others, can you skip that part, or do you need it?

    My curiosity profile absolutely matches yours and if it weren’t for my consistent interest in web development for the past 11 years, I’d question if I was even capable of sustaining interest in anything for extended periods. But apparently I am so what does it take?

    Projects! Big goals that keep you in it for the long-term and small goals that keep your morale up with success along the way.

    The reason I think projects are so important is because they give you a legitimate reason and application for the depth you otherwise want only vaguely. And if there is literally no application of a skill that interests you, really, what is the point?

    “If I were to follow my fancy…”

    In a way, projects help you direct your fancy along a certain path instead of being completely subjected to its natural desire to flail around (at least that’s what mine does on its own).

    I am going to be thinking about this much more for sure.

    I’d love to hear about a specific area you’d like more depth in. Is it that you feel depth would be valuable, but don’t genuinely find it interesting? Or that you find it interesting and aren’t quite sure how to get there?

  • http://tumbledesign.com Nicky Hajal


    Awesome thoughts – you really have me thinking over here!

    Thinking it through, the first stumbling block I came to is: What does it mean to be an expert?

    I think what it means is “we pay you *to know*”.

    If I were an expert in anything, it would probably be programming or web design. But I don’t think I’d call myself one simply because I often don’t know – I’m just good at finding the answers.

    At the same time, I’m sure that many with less experience would call themselves experts because they have degrees that say they *know*.

    I guess what I’m really getting at is what part of being an expert is the part that gets you what you want? The credentials, the experience, the knowledge, the past successes?

    The credentials probably take longer to get than any of the others, can you skip that part, or do you need it?

    My curiosity profile absolutely matches yours and if it weren’t for my consistent interest in web development for the past 11 years, I’d question if I was even capable of sustaining interest in anything for extended periods. But apparently I am so what does it take?

    Projects! Big goals that keep you in it for the long-term and small goals that keep your morale up with success along the way.

    The reason I think projects are so important is because they give you a legitimate reason and application for the depth you otherwise want only vaguely. And if there is literally no application of a skill that interests you, really, what is the point?

    “If I were to follow my fancy…”

    In a way, projects help you direct your fancy along a certain path instead of being completely subjected to its natural desire to flail around (at least that’s what mine does on its own).

    I am going to be thinking about this much more for sure.

    I’d love to hear about a specific area you’d like more depth in. Is it that you feel depth would be valuable, but don’t genuinely find it interesting? Or that you find it interesting and aren’t quite sure how to get there?

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  • /b

    since you seemed a little unsure of yourself (“forgive me if I clobbered some music theory here”) i just wanted to reassure you that everything you said is both consistent with large amount of music theory i know and also with the small amount of musical education theory i know.

  • http://blog.tumbledesign.com/ Nicky Hajal


    Thanks so much for sharing this, great to know it holds up!

    If you find yourself back here, I'd love to hear more about your experiences with learning/teaching music as well as your music itself.


  • http://ooooola.com/olivia Olivia

    Nice to here about your interest on piano scales.

  • http://www.twitter.com/rebeccarapple Rebecca

    Hey Nicky,

    Thanks so much for your reply! I had to think about that one for a while before I felt really ready to come back to it.

    First my thought on being an expert:

    I guess that I was thinking less of “something people will pay me for”, as I know that I possess a rather broad stroke of things that I either have been or feel confident in my ability to be paid for and more in terms of my ability to consistently contribute unique and successful ideas to a subject. Be that in coming up with great ad slogan after slogan or developing the best strategy time and time again or develop a meaningful piece of software.

    Really, I see my challenge not as not being able to go deep enough to get paid, but rather not going deep enough to consistently develop meaningful and novel experiences for others.

    Re-reading and reflecting — what I really want is the consistency– and the impact that is (generally) only possible with the sustained production. Its the consistency that also really scares me though!

    I need a project. No, I need a small project, so I can make it to a win. I feel daunted by all my projects right now. I suffer from the huge-ambition, huge-idea, paralysis issue. I need to follow your lead and fall in love with small ideas!

    I would really love to get into more depth in writing, coding and helping people re-write the stories they create themselves with. And, then I would like to intertwine all three of those things into a singular goal. (See, stupid big ideas!)

    I have written a ton in my life — even took six months off predominately to write, it was wonderful!

    I loved my sprint of learning HTML & CSS. I'm a bit more daunted by the complexity inherent of taking it up a level.

    I coach / mentor several people and almost always have at least one person a week whom I help revise their resume and stories about their last job. I love showing people that they are fully in charge of the way they frame their life and just how much changing their perspective can empower them to move forward.

    So, in short, I find all three of those things very interesting… but I find a lot of challenge in finding small intermediary steps, where I can celebrate wins, en route to a very big, very scary goal.

    Thanks so much for helping me think through all this – its awesome.

  • http://blog.tumbledesign.com/ Nicky Hajal

    Thanks Olivia!

  • pollybobroff

    Great to read your experience with scales and that you have recently begun learning piano. Have fun and come and show me what you are learning!!!
    Love M”NA

  • pollybobroff

    I'm glad to hear you are learning piano. Hope you will come and show me what you are learning. Love, M'NA

  • Pingback: How to Get Rid of Things: Understanding The Sentimental Mind

  • Mrosejhen

    nice piece!

  • AspiringMusician

    this grabbed my attention right away! felt like i was reading about myself! (done with YouTube tutorials until i learn my scales) thanks for the advice

  • Caleb Goates

    Thanks so much for this article! I have been studying and thinking a lot lately about how people learn and the most effective ways to teach, and even though that isn’t the main focus of this article, a lot of the things you said really agreed with and expanded upon my conclusions on that subject.

  • Tc

    very helpfull really kicked me in the right direction thank you

  • Julie

    this is very true indeed

    i have been playing the piano for over 10 years and I never liked scales in the early years
    it is only recently that i found them necessary and useful for me to practice and shape my techniques
    and i must agree that we should do things when that we feel like we want to
    because in this way, we will know we are truly passionate about.thanks very much for this article!

  • Devioz Martin

    Great article. I use to go by ear when creating chords and scales and with my anxiety it has caused me to second guess wither i could remember my favorite scales to play.